St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
611 Logan Ave
Pueblo, CO 81004-3505
719 564-1125 FAX 719 564-1141
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. Noon, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Pastor: Rev. Peter John Abogado, SSS
Tuesday-Friday: 5:00-5:25
Saturday: 4:00-4:45
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM
Tuesday - Friday: 5:30 PM
Sacramental Preparation:
A two-year preparation process is required for the reception of the Sacraments of First Communion and First Penance (third grade) and
Confirmation (junior year).
Sacrament of Baptism:
New members are welcomed into The Catholic Church through Baptism. Mandatory preparation classes are held four times a year. All parents must attend;
Godparents are strongly encouraged to attend.
Call the Parish Office for specific class dates.
Sacrament of Marriage:
Registered members are asked to contact the pastor six months - one year prior to the wedding. Participation in a Marriage Preparation Program is required.
Sacrament for the Sick/Homebound:
Please notify the Parish Office for household members who are elderly, disabled, ill or scheduled for surgery so that they may receive the Sacrament.
Do you know someone who may be interested in becoming a priest? Or do you see something in a young man that they have not recognized within themselves? Drop them an encouraging note with the following information, pray for them, and pray for vocations. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Prayer for Vocations
O God, in the past you called men and women to dedicate their lives to you through priesthood and religious life. Today, stir up the grace of a religious vocation in the hearts of many within our parish community. Grant them the willingness and generosity to place their lives completely in your hands as priests, brothers, and sisters. Help me to support them, in my own fidelity to your call to holiness, through prayer and Christian service. If you desire that one of my family or friends follow you in this way, grant me the wisdom and insight to support and encourage that person to listen to your voice and follow you without delay. Amen.
High School Boys (Click on either link for more information) Middle School Boys
For more information on vocations, contact Fr. Carl Wertin at