St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
611 Logan Ave
Pueblo, CO 81004-3505
719 564-1125 FAX 719 564-1141
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. Noon, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Pastor: Rev. Peter John Abogado, SSS
Tuesday-Friday: 5:00-5:25
Saturday: 4:00-4:45
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM
Tuesday - Friday: 5:30 PM
Please join us in worship.
Our Mission at the Catholic Church of St. Francis is, to promote spiritual growth, religious formation, fellowship and stewardship within our parish. We shall give witness to Christ by ministering and living the Word of God.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier